Friday, June 6, 2008

Things My Dad Taught Me and I Passsed On To My Sons

Don’t always take the easy choice. Take the one that is challenging but not unattainable.

Remember that I knew your mother long before I knew you…. Treat her with respect!

If you need help with something do not be afraid to ask. You will never be worse off then you
were before asking.

Fear God…but do not be afraid of Him. Love and serve Him. Trust and obey Him. He will not fail you.

Do your best in school. You will never regret your efforts to learn and apply yourself.

Always remember birthdays and holidays. Keep a calendar of these events.

Call your grandparents every now and then.

Pray for your pastor. Above all else do not talk negatively about him. He IS God’s anointed.

Study genealogy and your family history.

Treat the girls you date the way you would want your own sister to be treated by the young men she dates.

Make friends…. collect them.

Learn to play a musical instrument.

Learn to sing. A man who can sing is the king of the world.

Provoke peace with your enemies but do not be taken advantage of.

Bigotry is not a Christian quality.

Make a habit of shaking hands.

Give to others when you can afford to. Give to God when you think you can’t afford to. When it comes to giving to God…. You can’t afford not to.

Never loan money to a friend…. Give it to them.

Read history books.

Learn the art of telling good clean jokes.

Pick a needy child and buy them a Christmas present.

Love your brother. He will grow up, as will you, and move away.

Learn to cook and and to sew on buttons.

Tell others about what God has done for you.

Read God’s Word.

Keep a journal.

Don’t lose your receipts. If you can, keep your boxes until the warranty runs out.

Travel as much as you can.

Always keep at least one pistol or revolver in your home. Become proficient with it and keep it clean.

If you shoot without ears (hearing protection)… you will end up living without ears.

Don’t lie or mislead people.

Remember that character is what you are in the dark.

Always keep a pen and writing paper with you.

Learn to apologize to others and learn to forgive others.

Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

Memorize the books of the Bible.

Know and obey the 10 Commandments.

Shoot straight with people but do not be harsh.

Keep your priorities in the following order:God, Family, Country, and Work

Do not use foul language and avoid alternative expressions.

Learn a new word as often as you can.

Do not look down on people. Only upon their lifestyles or actions.

God loves everyone and so should you.

Keep yourself clean – physically and morally.

Pray for God’s best for you.Don’t settle for what is OK…strive for what is best.

Find a ministry….and minister to people.

Always give people the benefit of the doubt.

Avoid gossip.Avoid people who gossip.

Sing often and sing loud. Pray often and pray quietly.

Think about the future and learn from the past. Do not dwell on your mistakes. Learn from them, suffer their consequences and move on.

Don’t quit anything unless you have no other choice. Pray about it first.

Occasionally, read the history of a great man of God.

Don’t overwork yourself. Spend time with your family. No man ever went to his grave wishing that he had made more money. Many have gone to their grave wishing they had spent more time with their family.

Learn some basic mechanical skills.

Never cheat someone. If you sell a car to someone tell him or her everything you know about the car. The good and the bad.

Every now and then watch a classic movie.Read classic literature. Perhaps Mark Twain.

“Amen!” the Preacher.

Go to the altar occasionally. If only to pray for others.

Where a tuxedo at least twice in your life. For your own wedding and a social event other than a wedding.

Open doors for people.

Carry bags for people.

Remember who you are and who I am.

Keep your radio presets on Christian stations.

Keep extra light bulbs and plenty of tools in your home.

Always have a little cash stashed away.

If you find a rare or unique coin…save it.

Learn how to operate office equipment. Computers, copy machines, and fax machines.

Park the farthest away at church. Let the elderly and visitors have the best parking space. I learned this from your Grandma Curtman.

Get involved in politics…but don’t get involved in the politics.

Praise God every day.

Fight for the right…and for those who cannot fight for themselves.

99.9% of the people in correctional facilities are there because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person.Choose your friends wisely.

Always be polite and courteous to law enforcement officials. Don’t argue with the officer who stops you or pulls you over. Always tell the truth. Keep your hands on the steering wheel and have your documents ready before the officer approaches.

Never resist arrest but do not get arrested.

If you see an officer who needs help - offer your assistance.

Holding a grudge will only hurt you.

Go to museums whenever you can.

Don’t be stingy with your money…but don’t be stupid either.

1 comment:

Dawn Penguin said...

That's a great picture of your dad!