During WWI some of the soldiers that fought on the oversees fronts were called doughboys. There are many theories as to why they acquired this name, some of which can be traced to the mid 1800's. One of the ideas is based on some of the concoctions these men would cook up in their foxholes and bunkers. One of which, I am told, is the doughnut.
After WWI these soldiers returned home to find jobs in factories, offices, construction companies and....police departments. A good many of the veterans, especially of of Irish descent, found themselves working in the large police departments of cities like New York, Boston, St. Louis, and Kansas City.
Working the foot beat on a midnight shift can be grueling and tiresome work. They didn't have energy drinks back in those days and it was hard to stay awake sometimes. There was a simple solution to the problem of boredom mixed with fatigue.
The only thing open in the early morning hours in those days was the local bakery. The night officers would stop to enjoy some conversation with the folks that ran these places. While they were there they would enjoy a fresh doughnut and a hot cup of coffee. Think about it. Stimulating conversation, Sugar, Carbohydrates, and Caffeine! What more could be asked for?
The rest is history...
By the way....I don't eat doughnuts very often and most of my fellow officers do not either. Most officers these days are better educated about nutrition. Don't get me wrong, I still like a good cream filled one every now and then but not too often.
I refuse to buy them or eat them while in uniform.